Update History of ForeUI
The update history of ForeUI is listed below, you can also read the details of update in our blog.
Version 5.00 SP1 [5.001] (2019-04-10)
Update for enhancement and bug fixings.
- Enhancement: Holding SHIFT key to lock Line element to 0/45/90 degree.
- Fixed Bug: Dragging custom element into editing area causes error in log (since V5.00).
- Fixed Bug: Auxiliary line for dragging control point for Line or Bezier element isn't painted properly when zoom ratio is not 100%.
- Fixed Bug: Can not run updater in Mac OS.
Version 5.00 [5.00] (2019-03-29)
Major update with new features and enhancements:
- New Feature: Newly added Bezier Curve element.
- New Feature: Html/Script/Css element editor supports line number and syntax highlighting.
- New Feature: Import CSV content into table element.
- New Feature: When moving element, display location on its top-left corner.
- Enhancement: Support Retina or HD display.
- Enhancement: Line element can be easily adjusted by dragging any control point.
- Enhancement: Allow allocating more memory from system.
Version 4.60 SP3 [4.603] (2018-04-14)
Update for bug fixings.
- Fixed Bug_0514: Can not add new page when selecting the last page in folder.
Version 4.60 SP2 [4.602] (2018-04-03)
Update for bug fixings.
- Fixed Bug_0513: Can not use DELETE key when editing text content in element (Since V4.60, in Windows only).
Version 4.60 SP1 [4.601] (2018-03-16)
Update for bug fixings.
- Fixed Bug_0512: Can not use hotkey to delete element on V4.60.
Version 4.60 [4.60] (2018-03-13)
Update for new featues, enhancments and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Dynamically add/remove item into/from ComboBox element in simulation.
- New Feature: Menu becomes interactive in edit mode.
- New Feature: Menu Bar becomes interactive in edit mode.
- New Feature: List becomes interactive in edit mode.
- New Feature: Radio Button Group becomes interactive in edit mode.
- Enhancment: Create new page under current seleced page, instead of appending to the end of list.
- Fixed Bug_0508: HTML simulation will fail if string type custom property contains multirow content.
- Fixed Bug_0509: Hotkey doesn't work in Windows system when focus is on undocked behavior editor.
- Fixed Bug_0510: When editing table content, table cell's text color is not highlighted properly when the cell is selected.
- Fixed Bug_0511: MultileveMenu doesn't repaint properly when interacting with it in edit mode.
Version 4.50 SP3 [4.503] (2017-09-14)
Update for bug fixings.
- Fixed Bug_0506: After changing tab titles of VerticalTabs (tabs on left), the embedded content may not position properly.
- Fixed Bug_0507: Concurrent file savings might lead to file corruption.
Version 4.50 SP2 [4.502] (2017-07-20)
Update for bug fixings.
- Fixed Bug_0504: Can not remove the style or alignment of table cell in table editor.
- Fixed Bug_0505: Specifying font in table editor doesn't take effect.
Version 4.50 SP1 [4.501] (2017-07-17)
Update for bug fixing.
- Fixed Bug_0503: Can not switch page with PageUp/PageDown key or navigate buttons after loading the simulation (since V4.5).
Version 4.50 [4.50] (2017-07-11)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Specify the starting page of simulation
- New Feature: new quick define action for manipulate elements.
- Enhancement: table editing supports undo/redo.
- Fixed Bug_501: newly added image doesn't render correctly when memory cache is enabled.
- Fixed Bug_502: copy ImageBox in a plot and paste it to another, the image reference may not correct.
Version 4.40 SP1 [4.401] (2017-02-13)
Minor update for bug fixing.
- Fixed Bug_500: Disabled Button gets enabled in simulation, then it should have colourful icon.
Version 4.40 [4.40] (2017-02-12)
Update for new features and some enhancements.
- New Feature: GroupFrame becomes a container and can embed elements into it now.
- Enhancement: Significantly improve performance
- Enhancement: Display both opacity number and percentage in tools panel and behaviour editor.
- Enhancement: Change icon to grayscale when button is in disabled state.
Version 4.30 SP1 [4.301] (2016-11-13)
Minor update for enhancements and bug fixings.
- Enhancement: Allow deselecting element by clicking outside of working area.
- Fix Bug_0497: Plot loading may hang when resource file is missing.
- Fix Bug_0498: Error occurs when duplicating a page within a folder.
- Fix Bug_0499: Element that embedded into collapsed tree row gets wrong Y-offset in simulation.
Version 4.30 [4.30] (2016-08-16)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: New action to set target for Reference element.
- Enhancement: Allow setting HTML conent to table cell using action.
- Enhancement: Color chooser will highlight the current selected color.
- Enhancement: Better name and better positioning of duplicated page.
- Fixed Bug_0495: Element's note is not generated into simulation, if it is placed in EVAL expression.
- Fixed Bug_0496: Undoing page duplication may cause internal error.
Version 4.20 [4.20] (2016-04-25)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: Allow disabling any menu item by placing "#" at the beginning.
- New Feature: New object type system property represents day of the week.
- Enhancement: CURRENT_MONTH system property gets changed to object type.
- Enhancement: New settings option to switch between Gaussian blur and box blur for rendering shadow.
- Enhancement: Auto adapt plot file that contains invalid XML charactors.
- Fixed Bug_0492: Sometimes the expression diagnose result doesn't get shown in the behavior editor.
- Fixed Bug_0493: ComboBox element with "<" or ">" in content may break the HTML5 simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0494: Clicking on extended item of MultilevelMenu element should collapse it.
Version 4.10 [4.10] (2016-01-04)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: New LocalStorage element to access HTML5 localStorage.
- Enhancement: Allow adding multiple images into images view at a time
- Enhancement: Temporarily remember animation on/off preference for common actions.
- Enhancement: After changing filling color, automatically set opacity to 255 if it was 0 before.
- Fixed Bug_0491: The behavior generated by "Make Element Draggable..." menu item contains wrong properties in EVAL parsing mode.
Version 4.00 [4.001] (2015-10-19)
Based on V4.0 beta, includes enhancements and bug fixings.
- Enhancement: Clear other selections when clicking on element's id instead of checkbox.
- Enhancement: Can turn off behavior diagnose for selected rows.
- Enhancement: Reduce CPU usage for expression verification in the background.
- Fixed Bug_0479: Can create element out of the editing area when using "press and drag" mode.
- Fixed Bug_0480: Inserting property via the "..." button should quote property name when EVAL parsing mode is used.
- Fixed Bug_0481: If property name already has quote marks, will miss left quote mark when switch parsing mode from TEXT to EVAL.
- Fixed Bug_0482: Can not set element's font size to 11, if plot's default font size is other than 11.
- Fixed Bug_0483: If the content of Tree element contains comma, it gets slash inserted every time after editing.
- Fixed Bug_0484: Double-clicking .4ui file in Mac OS X can not get file loaded in ForeUI V4.0 beta.
- Fixed Bug_0485: Adding Reference element into plot causes error.
- Fixed Bug_0486: Group members may not update their position before the plot get saved.
- Fixed Bug_0487: The translation can not take effect locally if the target language is not in ForeUI's package.
- Fixed Bug_0489: When exporting PDF, text may not be rendered if the element is on master page.
- Fixed Bug_0490: The "hidden" event may be triggered by mistake when initializing table element.
Version 4.00 Beta [4.00] (2015-07-21)
Major update with many new features and enhancements
- New UI Theme: Windows 8
- New UI Theme: Ubuntu
- New Feature: Use new plot file format that makes XML content smaller, cleaner and more readable.
- New Feature: Support disabling part of behavior (for debugging purpose).
- New Feature: Support animation for moving, resizing and showing/hidding elements.
- New Feature: All elements can have shadow.
- New Feature: Login on "ForeUI Connect" view to translate ForeUI's text to your language.
- New Feature: Set the parsing mode of expression (TEXT/EVAL).
- New Feature: Cast property to specific type, with N/S/A/O prefix.
- New Feature: Preview expression parsing result in tooltip.
- New Feature: New "Image Loaded" event for ImageBox element.
- New Feature: New "Expand All" and "Collapse All" buttons in behavior editor and outline view.
- New Feature: Every plot can override the HTML5 simulation/export settings.
- New Feature: Attach additional files into plot, and export to HTML5 simulation.
- Enhancement: Optimize rendering engine for faster repainting.
- Enhancement: Significantly accelerate big plot loading.
- Enhancement: New tools panel that can show/hide certain categories.
- Enhancement: Improve table and tree editor layout.
- Enhancement: New buttons in Table editor for moving rows up/down and columns left/right.
- Enhancement: In "Manipulate Element..." window, can use property in target element's id
- Enhancement: Mock default Javascript objects (document, location and window) for behavior diagnose.
- Enhancement: Support JSONP proxy in "Get JSON Object" action.
- Enhancement: Better file chooser in OS X.
- Fixed Bug_0474: Can not specify the cursor for List element with action.
- Fixed Bug_0475: The duration of Delay doesn't support using property in real.
- Fixed Bug_0476: Setting the maximum value of ProgressBar to 0 causes rendering error.
- Fixed Bug_0477: Behavior tree can not scroll to the last row if horizontal scroll bar is visible.
- Fixed Bug_0478: Can not correctly change opacity of Ellipse/Triangle/Polygon on the fly when their default opacity is not 255.
Version 3.90 SP2 [3.902] (2015-04-03)
Minor update for some enhancements:
- Enhancement: Use Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab to swich between opened plots.
- Enhancement: Do not escape double quote marks between '[' and ']' in expression.
- Enhancement: Add google chrome web browser into linux browsers list.
- Enhancement: Adjust the table/tree editor layout, make sure usable in extreme cases.
- Enhancement: Use better list text color within the page chooser.
- Enhancement: Update Russian transaltion.
Version 3.90 SP1 [3.901] (2015-01-28)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0469: Error message that complains not able to read "launch.bat" after changing language in Mac OS.
- Fixed Bug_0470: Importing another plot may bring wrong data that halts the page list loading.
- Fixed Bug_0471: Can not paste image from clipboard in OS X Yosemite.
- Fixed Bug_0472: Dragging properties window in simulation may slide to next page.
- Fixed Bug_0473: Multiline content in table cell becomes single line in simulation (regression in V3.90).
Version 3.90 [3.90] (2014-10-21)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: Mark element "clickable" (so it changes hovering cursor shape in simulation).
- New Feature: New "Page Unloaded" event for pages.
- New Feature: New action to set/remove tooltip of element.
- New Feature: New action to set combobox value dynamically.
- Enhancement: Allow collapsing the items in behavior tree.
- Fixed Bug_0466: Embedded element offsets right a few pixels after embedded into Window element (with Windows XP/7 UI themes).
- Fixed Bug_0467: Using action to set value of Spinner should spin to that value, if the new value exists in the list.
- Fixed Bug_0468: Can not double-click page event to change event type.
Version 3.80 SP5 [3.805] (2014-08-14)
Minor update for enhancements and bug fixings:
- Enhancement: move custom CSS to header, and custom script to the end of HTML body.
- Enhancement: recentCollapsedSection property should be updated for Accordion with single expansion.
- Fixed Bug_0463: Previously selected custom property will be changed to string type when creating new property.
- Fixed Bug_0464: Copy/paste elements with behavior from another plot may import incorrect reference of behaviorRoot in xml.
- Fixed Bug_0465: Accordian section icon might get messed up if the element is imported from fce or copied from another plot.
Version 3.80 SP4 [3.804] (2014-07-16)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0459: Wrongly prompt new version when using non-English language.
- Fixed Bug_0460: "Get JSON Object" stops the upcoming behavior when error happens.
- Fixed Bug_0461: Reference element that has ImageBox as target does not work in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0462: Selecting another constom property may copy the values from current editing custom property.
Version 3.80 SP3 [3.803] (2014-07-10)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0455: "Load as Master Page" event is triggered before the host page is displayed, causing problem when manipulating elements in handler.
- Fixed Bug_0456: Dynamically resizing Reference element in simulation meets Javascript error.
- Fixed Bug_0457: Should not allow Reference element targets to another Reference element.
- Fixed Bug_0458: Change element id after modifying the behavior content, the last modified behavor item will be hidden.
Version 3.80 SP2 [3.802] (2014-06-30)
Minor update for enhancement and bug fixings:
- Enhancement: Updating the source of ImageBox does not need to re-create the DOM object.
- Fixed Bug_0452: The "Set Image Source" action is not updated during the optimization of image usage.
- Fixed Bug_0453: The "Delete Duplicated Images" option doesn't delete duplicated image after changing its reference.
- Fixed Bug_0454: Empty ClipArt causes Javascript error in simulation.
Version 3.80 SP1 [3.801] (2014-06-24)
Minor update for enhancement and bug fixings:
- Enhancement: Allow setting bigger value to element's row height.
- Fixed Bug_0450: Section index is copied to section title, when duplicating action that sets the Accordion section title.
- Fixed Bug_0451: Duplicating "Grab Value from Property" action that has not set the From/To position causes error.
Version 3.80 [3.80] (2014-06-20)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: Convert selected elements into clip art, which will be output as static image in simulation.
- Enhancement: New option to specify an infinite loop.
- Enhancement: Display correct diagnose result when behavior owner page is missing.
- Fixed Bug_0445: The combination of CTRL(CMD)+W and ESC should not close the editing plot without saving.
- Fixed Bug_0446: Switch to another application when editing the element and switch back, the element editor loses its focus.
- Fixed Bug_0447: Assigning the array property to another property will shift all array members to the right.
- Fixed Bug_0448: ArrowLine element may be rendered out of the plot's boundaries.
- Fixed Bug_0449: Auto-sizing Table element should reserve space for scrollbars, if exist.
Version 3.70 SP1 [3.701] (2014-04-29)
Minor update for bug fixing:
- Fixed Bug_0444: The auto-completion of element id in "Manipulate Element" steals the focus of input field.
Version 3.70 [3.70] (2014-04-21)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: New action to call predefined Javascript function.
- New Feature: Change background color and opacity of basic shape via actions.
- Enhancement: No longer need to escape quote marks in expressions.
- Enhancement: Allow getting keyboard related system properties in non-keyboard event handler.
- Enhancement: Auto-complete the element id input in "Manipulate Element" window.
- Fixed Bug_0439: Array type custom property with empty value will cause script compression error.
- Fixed Bug_0440: FOCUSED_ELEMENT_ID is not updated when switching focus by pressing the Tab key.
- Fixed Bug_0441: RadioButtonGroup's background is rendered with incorrect opacity.
- Fixed Bug_0442: The element chooser triggered from "Manipulate Element" window doesn't have focus.
- Fixed Bug_0443: Set opactiy value of TextBox, the actual opacity is much smaller.
Version 3.60 [3.60] (2014-03-03)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: New action to grab value from existed property.
- New Feature: New "Parallel Branching" flow control to support multi threading.
- New Feature: New option to view currnet page content only in the outline view.
- Enhancement: Significantly improve performance for table row append/insert/delete.
- Enhancement: Optimise the speed of table content selection (in simulation).
- Fixed Bug_0436: Auto sizing text box will trim one pixel at the bottom.
- Fixed Bug_0437: The current page indicator in outline view is not updated after switching page.
- Fixed Bug_0438: Move/paste/duplicate behavior item may cause partial behavior hidden in the view.
Version 3.50 [3.50] (2013-12-17)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: New elements to embed raw HTML/CSS/Javascript code into plot.
- New Feature: New action to get remote content as string (cross domain).
- New Feature: Support sliding screen to switch page for mobile device.
- New Feature: Allow converting touch events to mouse events for mobile device.
- New Feature: Specify client area color for Window element.
- New Feature: New element properties for center coordinate (cx, cy).
- New Feature: New "Page Scrolled" event for page.
- New Feature: New "Content Scrolled" event for scrollable container.
- New Feature: New CURRENT_EVENT system property for current handling event.
- Enhancement: Improve touching experience on touch screen device.
- Fixed Bug_0432: If table is wider than its preferred size, each editing will reduce its actual width.
- Fixed Bug_0433: The toolbar for table editor may not be display if the table is close to the top border.
- Fixed Bug_0434: Open plot that has page behavior, with behavior filter turned on, the page behavior is not listed by default.
- Fixed Bug_0435: Behavior entities may be hidden, after adding event or action in behavior editor.
Version 3.40 SP1 [3.401] (2013-11-09)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0430: Embedding Reference element into a container that targeted by that Reference will cause dead lock.
- Fixed Bug_0431: Loading plot shows the plot settings window, which should only be shown for newly created plot.
Version 3.40 [3.40] (2013-09-26)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: Manage UI themes (import/download/delete).
- New Feature: Quickly define behavior to make element draggable.
- New Feature: Holding Ctrl key and scroll mouse wheel to zoom in/out
- New Feature: Support changing image URL via action.
- New Feature: Support CURRENT_TIMESTAMP system property.
- New Feature: New option to show plot configure window after creating new plot.
- Enhancement: Improve proformance for processing huge plot file.
- Enhancement: "Go to Page" action, choose page from list by default.
- Fixed Bug_0428: In simulation, the popup list of ComboBox has fixed row height, despite the font size setting.
- Fixed Bug_0429: Quick define behavior will not work if user tried to insert any property into the expression.
Version 3.30 [3.30] (2013-06-18)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: New way to quickly define simple behavior.
- New Feature: Could specify the default text size for the plot.
- New Feature: Default UI themes support "Mini" sub-style for Window/CheckBox/RadioButton.
- New Feature: New property to get text length in TextBox/TextEditBox.
- New Feature: New property to get selected text for Tree/List.
- Enhancement: Allow show/hide text in behavior toolbar button.
- Enhancement: Output background image to image/PDF as well.
- Enhancement: Better diagnose on expression in behavior.
- Fixed Bug_0419: Small image element may be clipped a few pixels on bottom in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0420: Deleting the behavior of second element may cause the filter state lost.
- Fixed Bug_0421: Switch to different UI theme and then undo, the drop down list of UI themes does not update accordingly.
- Fixed Bug_0422: RadioButtonGroup element ignores the default font of the plot.
- Fixed Bug_0423: Member of muti-dimension array property could not be accessed by correct index.
- Fixed Bug_0424: MultileveMenu element does not respect the text style formating.
- Fixed Bug_0425: Clicking on Tree element in scrollable container could not expand/collapse its node.
- Fixed Bug_0426: Ungroup the group embedded in container may cause group members get duplicated.
- Fixed Bug_0427: Could not really undo the "Manipulate Element" action.
Version 3.20 SP3 [3.203] (2013-03-13)
Minor update for new language support and bug fixing:
- New Languange: Polish language is supported.
- Fixed Bug_0418: Set Reference element's target to a group, the group member's behavior will not take effect.
Version 3.20 SP2 [3.202] (2013-03-04)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0413: The selected tab of Tabs or Vertical Tabs is not highted in simulation (Windows 7 UI theme).
- Fixed Bug_0414: Table element has transparent grid borders in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0415: Switching resource type in ForeUI store does not reset the listing offset.
- Fixed Bug_0416: Selected tab for Tabs/Vertical Tabs is flipped when tabs are placed at bottom/right (Windows XP theme).
- Fixed Bug_0417: Newly added item in behavior editor may be collapsed (hidden).
Version 3.20 SP1 [3.201] (2013-02-13)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0411: Clicking on text of Button element can not trigger "Element Clicked" event (Firefox/Opera).
- Fixed Bug_0412: Should not allow linear fill color to contain only one color, which will cause error.
Version 3.20 [3.20] (2013-02-11)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: Supports tooltip on all elements.
- New Feature: Allow changing the order of elements in outline view.
- New Feature: New Selected/Unselected event for Radio/Checkbox element.
- New Feature: New action to change text content of Button element.
- New Feature: CTRL+G and CTRL+SHIFT+G to group/ungroup selected elements.
- Enhancement: When multiple elements are selected, hide those tool buttons that could not be applied on multiple elements.
- Enhancement: Show the "x" button on all tabs for opened plots.
- Fixed Bug_0407: The last row is invisible when Images panel becomes scrollable.
- Fixed Bug_0408: Clicking 'close' button to hide Window element and its content, elements belong to another container should not be involved.
- Fixed Bug_0409: Invisible Group should be painted with alpha transparent in editing mode.
- Fixed Bug_0410: In outline view, drag unselected element into container, the element may be duplicated.
Version 3.10 SP1 [3.102] (2012-12-12)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0404: Can not paste image from Mountain Lion system clipboard.
- Fixed Bug_0405: Changing the font name, font size and text color for RadioButtonGroup can not take effect.
- Fixed Bug_0406: Resize ScrollableContainer via action, its border is not resized accordingly.
Version 3.10 [3.10] (2012-12-05)
Update for new features, enhancements and bug fixings:
- New Feature: Import another plot into current editing plot.
- New Feature: Support background image for plot.
- New Feature: Holding SHIFT key to draw/edit polygon can lock the moving direction.
- New Feature: Allow caching image data in memory (avoid using file cache).
- New Feature: New "selectedColumn" property for Table element.
- Enhancement: Optimize performance: to be faster and smoother.
- Enhancement: Compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
- Enhancement: Directly input id in element chooser, content assistant is available.
- Enhancement: Allow setting timeout for "Get JSON Object" action.
- Enhancement: Embed font in exported PDF document if needed.
- Fixed Bug_0393: Text in Hyperlink element can not be horizontal/vertical centered.
- Fixed Bug_0394: Can not change the state of Radio Button Group with actions.
- Fixed Bug_0395: In Windows 7 UI theme, the progress indicator in progress bar is not rendered correctly during simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0396: Open a plot with images in images panel, the images are still visible after closing the plot.
- Fixed Bug_0397: When behavior is shared by multiple elements, it should be initialized after all elements are created.
- Fixed Bug_0398: Export plot with hand drawn UI theme to PDF, the text is moved upper.
- Fixed Bug_0399: In Mac OS X, copy/paste entities in behavior editor will also copy/paste the selected element in plot edit area.
- Fixed Bug_0400: Disabled button can still trigger the "Element Clicked" event.
- Fixed Bug_0401: Can not change text of hyperlink with action.
- Fixed Bug_0402: Duplicate some actions for Accordion/ProgressBar/Slider/Spinner/Table/Tree/TextEditBox, target element ids for original action might be changed.
- Fixed Bug_0403: ArrowLine elements may be clipped when exporting to PDF document.
Version 3.00 SP1 [3.006] (2012-10-02)
Minor update for bug fixings:
- Fixed Bug_0384: Creating new plot always bring up tools panel.
- Fixed Bug_0385: Resizing Triangle/Line/ArrowLine element from tools panel, the control points are not updated in editing mode.
- Fixed Bug_0386: Undocked view may fade out when losing focus.
- Fixed Bug_0387: After closing a plot, the content of tools panel is not updated according to the selection of new editing plot.
- Fixed Bug_0388: Cut and paste element back, the behavior of the element will be lost.
- Fixed Bug_0389: Draggable window element has duplicated title bar in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0390: Embedded element may not receive mouse events.
- Fixed Bug_0391: Reference target is not updated when target element id is changed.
- Fixed Bug_0392: If the behavior is assigned to embedded element, removing the container will not remove the behavior.
Version 3.00 Official [3.005] (2012-09-25)
Official release of ForeUI 3.0.
- New Feature: Configurable tasks to integrate ForeUI with other tools.
- Enhancement: New option to enable behavior to be removed/pasted with the element.
- Enhancement: Auto save/load layout of GUI.
- Enhancement: Do not really change current selection when picking elements for action/reference target or property owner.
- Enhancement: When clicking on embedded element, try to select container first.
- Enhancement: Show small flag on element that has behavior defined.
- Enhancement: Auto scroll outline view when selection is changed.
- Enhancement: Change "Auto hide tools panel" option to "Auto show/hide tools panel".
- Enhancement: Tooltip for element panel should not be hidden by settings.
- Fixed Bug_0347: The table rows added by actions can not be selected in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0370: Table header columns are not aligned with the columns of other rows when running simulation in IE/Chrome.
- Fixed Bug_0371: Can not set multiline text into TextBox/TextEditBox via action.
- Fixed Bug_0372: The "selectedText" property of ComboBox element includes " " if space character is present;
- Fixed Bug_0373: After drag and drop element in outline view, the tooltip will still be shown whan hovering on the view.
- Fixed Bug_0374: Page note is not loaded in page management panel.
- Fixed Bug_0375: Gray scale of image does not take effect in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0376: TextEditBox is not really disabled when setting its state to "Disabled".
- Fixed Bug_0377: The current page index is not updated when clicking "Previous Page" or "Next Page" button in ForeUI store window.
- Fixed Bug_0378: ComboBox without decoration and background opacity will not show drow-down list in simulation, if it is stored in V2 plot or custom element.
- Fixed Bug_0379: Invoking "Go to page" action in "Page Loaded" event handler to switch to the current page will cause infinite loop.
- Fixed Bug_0380: Selecting item in ComboBox under Hand Drawn theme will move to next item.
- Fixed Bug_0381: Can not add behavior note if behavior editor is undocked.
- Fixed Bug_0382: Can not use tab key to switch focus between x, y, w, h fields in tools panel.
- Fixed Bug_0383: Can not remove the underline style for Hyperlink element.
Version 3.00 RC [3.004] (2012-08-08)
Release candidate version of ForeUI 3.0.
- New Feature: ForeUI store for new resources downloading.
- New Feature: Manage elements by drag and drop in outline view.
- New Feature: RadioButtonGroup element supports horizontal layout mode.
- New Feature: New setting option to auto hide tools panel when no element is selected.
- Enhancement: Improve rendering performance.
- Enhancement: Render the elements above the current selection.
- Enhancement: Auto adjust the Z value for newly created element, if the auto adjust feature is turned on.
- Enhancement: Move the "reload style" button in tool pane to bottom, to avoid offseting other buttons.
- Enhancement: Clicking on unselected Table and Tree will not change its selected item, clicking on the same item can toggle selection.
- Enhancement: When trying to load plot file created by V2, auto backup the file in the same directory.
- Enhancement: Clip the content that embedded into Annotation section in both editing and simulation.
- Enhancement: Allow extracting multiple elements at a time.
- Enhancement: Toolbar in table editor can auto wrap when table is small.
- Enhancement: Support hidding polygon's border.
- Enhancement: Allow editing embedded elements' location in tool pane.
- Fixed Bug_0344: Table element in hidden page may show its lines when simulation is just loaded in IE.
- Fixed Bug_0345: Table element does not respect the column width settings in IE simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0346: Text content of Balloon element may get out of its borders.
- Fixed Bug_0348: Changing the background color for Tree element will change its selection color as well.
- Fixed Bug_0349: Rectangle element's background is not clipped by rounded corners in Hand Drawing theme.
- Fixed Bug_0350: Can not cut element into clipboard when it is embedded into container.
- Fixed Bug_0351: Changing the value of TextEditBox element will not update its reference as well.
- Fixed Bug_0352: If embedded element has smaller Z value than its container, keep clicking on it will select it multiple times.
- Fixed Bug_0353: Embedding element into nested container may cause the element hidden in editor.
- Fixed Bug_0354: Elements that embedded into ScrollableContainer has one pixel offset when being selected.
- Fixed Bug_0355: The pasted text element may keep synchronizing the text style with the original element.
- Fixed Bug_0356: Moving or resizing the member of nested group will not update the bounds of ancestor groups.
- Fixed Bug_0357: The space characters in ComboBox element are trimmed in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0358: Polygon editor does not work correctly when zoom is not 100%
- Fixed Bug_0359: The "Paste Here" command introduces incorrect offset of pasted element when zoom is not 100%
- Fixed Bug_0360: Pick color from screen for linear gradient color, the color chooser should keep open until clicking "Finish" button.
- Fixed Bug_0361: Selecting element in non-current page from outline view, the page will switch but selection will be cleared.
- Fixed Bug_0362: Embedded elements can not really be hidden in outline view.
- Fixed Bug_0363: Expand sub-menu of MutilevelMenu in simulation, the main menu may be trimmed.
- Fixed Bug_0364: Delete behavior entity in a filtered behavior list, the deletion may fail.
- Fixed Bug_0365: The gradient fill color preview has a little different than actual effect.
- Fixed Bug_0366: Using relative value ("+=?", "-=?") in "Move Element" action will move embedded element to wrong location.
- Fixed Bug_0367: Table element with opacity=0 can not show text when running simulation in non-IE browsers.
- Fixed Bug_0368: Text alignment setting for Table element does not work in non-IE browsers.
- Fixed Bug_0369: Save new custom element to the file for custom element that listed in element panel, the old behavior will be kept in new file.
Version 3.00 Beta3 [3.003] (2012-06-25)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New "RadioButtonGroup" element.
- New Feature: Allow show/hide any button on toolbar in simulation.
- New Feature: Support Russian language.
- Enhancement: Allow showing behavior for current selection only.
- Enhancement: The splash screen is not always on top.
- Enhancement: Do not hide loading text before all scripts are loaded by web browser.
- Enhancement: Set cursor to "wait" during the loading of simulation.
- Enhancement: When drop file into welcome page, have it opened automatically.
- Fixed Bug_0329: When loading plot created by V2, should not override the line height and pad values for MockText element.
- Fixed Bug_0330: In simulation, menu will be hidden by clicking its item or outside area, but the "Element Hidden" event is not triggered.
- Fixed Bug_0331: Set custom property value in simulation, should try to make data type casting when value and type are not matched.
- Fixed Bug_0332: Switch branching case should be able to use empty string as case expression.
- Fixed Bug_0333: Double clicking .4ui file to open ForeUI, the plot is not loaded in edit area.
- Fixed Bug_0334: When copy/paste element, the target element ids of its action are not auto updated.
- Fixed Bug_0335: Actions belong to elements that embedded in container are not included during copy/paste/pack custom element.
- Fixed Bug_0336: After deleting behavior root in behavior editor, the edit/remove button should be disabled.
- Fixed Bug_0337: Using backlash to escape brace for object type property definition, the backlash should be removed in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0338: Branch/Loop/Delay that directly followed by an action with error, may cause Javascript error in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0339: When running simulation IE9, GroupFrame element does not show its bottom border.
- Fixed Bug_0340: The size of popup list for ComboBox with any empty row is incorrect.
- Fixed Bug_0341: List element has mismatch between cell border and background, when running simulation in Chrome/Safari.
- Fixed Bug_0342: The newly added tag filter button is not saved for next run.
- Fixed Bug_0343: Behavior filter can not highlight keyword with special characters (space, quote mark etc.).
Version 3.00 Beta2 [3.002] (2012-06-10)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New HyperLink element.
- New Feature: Allow manually attempt to release some memory.
- New Feature: Align page on left, center and right in simulation.
- Enhancement: Validate input parameters for action editing.
- Enhancement: Auto detect parameter missing error in behavior editor.
- Enhancement: Do not export action with errors.
- Enhancement: Make sure the newly added behavior entity will be visible, clear filter when needed.
- Fixed Bug_0321: Memory leak caused by behavior editor.
- Fixed Bug_0322: Starting in Mac OS Lion may throw NullPointerException.
- Fixed Bug_0323: Clicking memory usage link should go to "misc" panel in settings window.
- Fixed Bug_0324: Calendar is not highlighted correctly if the selected day is the first day of the month.
- Fixed Bug_0325: Embedded element can not be deleted directly.
- Fixed Bug_0326: Changing image reference does not work correctly when image ids are discontinuous.
- Fixed Bug_0327: Tool window has incorrect size if its content is too big.
- Fixed Bug_0328: Simulation in Chrome or Safari: vertical scrollbar is not shown when page is higher than browser view.
Version 3.00 Beta [3.001] (2012-05-30)
New generation of ForeUI product.
- New Feature: Use dockable window framework to manage tool views.
- New Feature: Show toolbar in simulation, provides page navigation and property viewer.
- New Feature: New "Reference" element.
- New Feature: New "Polygon" element.
- New Feature: Element's background supports linear gradient filling.
- New Feature: Allow press the element button and then "draw" the element in working area.
- New Feature: Manage elements by tags.
- New Feature: Behavior editor will diagnose actions in background.
- New Feature: One click to remove duplicated and unused images in image library.
- New Feature: Allow changing image source of image box via action.
- New Feature: Some elements (line, triangle, post-it etc.) support editing with control points.
- New Feature: Show/hide element in outline view.
- New Feature: Compress generated JavaScript.
- New Feature: Supports array and object type custom property.
- Enhancement: Brand new code generator, to get much better JavaScript code.
- Enhancement: Move and Resize action accepts parameter like "+20" or "-30" to change size or location.
- Enhancement: All elements can be resized by action.
- Enhancement: Can define behaivor for multiple element or page at a time.
- Enhancement: Can manipulate multiple elements at a time.
- Enhancement: Improve expression parsing, to support unlimited nested property.
- Enhancement: ScrollBar, Slider, ProgressBar elements become interactive.
- Enhancement: Table element supports row header, horizontal scorll, row/column/cell select mode.
- Enhancement: Table element supports cell content formatting.
- Enhancement: Can select multiple embedded element for editing.
- Enhancement: Can select text in generated PDF document.
- Enhancement: Auto remember global properties set by action.
- Enhancement: Scrollbar element becomes interactive in simulation.
- Enhancement: Slider element becomes interactive in simulation.
- Enhancement: Progressbar element becomes interactive in simulation.
- Enhancement: ArrowLine element support horizontal and vertical mode.
- Enhancement: Auto center page content in editing and simulation.
Version 2.810 [2.810] (2012-02-18)
Minor update V2.810:
- Bug_0320: Copy and paste a Window or Tree element in the same plot, its embedded elements will have duplicated ids.
Version 2.809 [2.809] (2011-12-08)
Minor update V2.809:
- Bug_0319: Can not paste image from clipboard under Mac OS X Lion.
Version 2.808 [2.808] (2011-10-27)
Minor update V2.808:
- Bug_0317: Mac OS X: double clicking plot file to open ForeUI, the plot may not be loaded correct.
- Bug_0318: Can not use action to append row to Table that does not have any row initially.
Version 2.807 [2.807] (2011-10-04)
Minor update V2.807:
- Bug_0316: Elements that embeded into Table are not rendered correctly since V2.806.
Version 2.806 [2.806] (2011-10-03)
Minor update V2.806:
- Bug_0314: Apostrophe in ComboBox element will be displayed as "'" in IE.
- Bug_0315: Editing any node in action editor will remove its note.
Version 2.805 [2.805] (2011-09-01)
Minor update V2.805:
- Bug_0313: Single row TextEditBox with "center" or "right" alignment does not render the text.
Version 2.804 [2.804] (2011-08-18)
Minor update V2.804:
- Bug_0311: When performing selection, the embedded element should not enlarge the testing area of its container.
- Bug_0312: Single row TextEditBox should not auto wrap its content in editing mode.
Version 2.803 [2.803] (2011-07-16)
Minor update V2.803:
- Bug_0310: Select text element with non-default font, execute the cut and paste commands, the font combo box will incorrectly get focus.
Version 2.802 [2.802] (2011-06-13)
Minor update V2.802:
- Localization: German translation update to V2.72.
- Bug_0309: Click image in image dock, the "Use By: ? elements" information in popup menu is not correct (only current page is taken into account).
Version 2.801 [2.801] (2011-06-08)
Minor update V2.801:
- Bug_0307: The borders of Table element in hidden page are still visible.
- Bug_0308: Could not right drag (or CTRL+drag) Table or Tree from element list to working area.
Version 2.801 [2.801] (2011-06-08)
Minor update V2.801:
- Bug_0307: The borders of Table element in hidden page are still visible.
- Bug_0308: Could not right drag (or CTRL+drag) Table or Tree from element list to working area.
Version 2.80 [2.80] (2011-06-08)
New language support, new features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- Localization: Brazilian Portuguese language support.
- New Feature: "Available_Page_Indices" and "Available_Page_Titles" system properties.
- New Feature: "Recent Expanded Section" and "Recent Collapsed Section" properties for Accordion.
- New Feature: "Expand Section" and "Collapse Section" actions for Accordion.
- New Feature: "Set Tree Node Value" action for Tree.
- New Feature: Registered user can download user manual.
- Enhancement: Directly right drag or CTRL drag element from list into container element.
- Enhancement: Moving/resizing elements in scrollable container become easier.
- Enhancement: Newly created element can snap to elements or grids.
- Enhancement: Can use property to specify the target page for "Go to Page" action.
- Enhancement: Auto complete font selector.
- Enhancement: Hold Shift key and start dragging, will force to enter the drag selecting mode.
- Enhancement: Avoid exporting CSS alpha filters in DHTML if element's opacity is 100%.
- Fixed Bug_0302: Scrollable Container can not accept any element again if all embedded elements are removed or extracted.
- Fixed Bug_0303: Define "Set Global Property" action to set an inexistent property, then define that property in "Global Property" window. The action will not update when externally rename that property.
- Fixed Bug_0304: Could not embed element into container that overlaps on a bigger container.
- Fixed Bug_0305: The property in "row" or "column" field of "Set Table Cell Value" action is not updated when the property is renamed.
- Fixed Bug_0306: Can not drag custom element from category to working area in Mac OS (V2.70+).
Version 2.77 [2.77] (2011-05-09)
New languages support, enhancements and bug fixings.
- Localization: French language support.
- Localization: Spanish language support.
- Enhancement: Hold Control key to drag and embed element into container.
- Enhancement: Keep the embedded element's position when newly embedded.
- Bug_0300: Table's initial selection offsets one row in simulation (since V2.72).
- Bug_0301: Image dock's scrollable area does not match its content.
Version 2.75 [2.75] (2011-04-20)
New feature, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: "Set Section Title" action for Accordion.
- New Feature: "Section Titles" property for Accordion.
- New Feature: "Index of First Expanded Section" property for Accordion.
- Enhancement: Show "x" button on the tab for current editing plot.
- Enhancement: Add menu item in "File" menu for closing current plot.
- Enhancement: Allow turn off the instructional tooltips.
- Bug_0297: When List/Menu/MenuBar/Tabs/VerticalTabs/Tree/ComboBox has no selected row, its "selectedIndex" property value should be 0 instead of -1 in simulation.
- Bug_0298: MenuBar with "Element Clicked" event handler meets error in simulation if "Selection Changed" event is not handled.
- Bug_0299: Embedded ComboBox has no selectedText property value until explicitly select an item.
Version 2.72 [2.72] (2011-03-31)
New feature, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New actions for Table (insert/append/delete row)
- New Feature: New properties for Table (row/column count)
- New Feature: New properties for Accordion (section count, expanded flags)
- New Feature: New "Note" property for all elements.
- New Feature: New "Loaded as Master Page" event for pages.
- New Feature: New "Section Expanded/Collapsed" event for Accordion.
- Enhancement: Parse properties in the indices of Table cell value array.
- Bug_0295: Reduce the height of a table row and make it smaller than the default value, the change could not take effect in simulation.
- Bug_0296: When Table has no selected row, its "selectedIndex" property value should be 0 instead of -1 in simulation.
Version 2.70 [2.70] (2011-03-14)
New feature, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New Accordion element.
- Enhancement: The 'Set Table Cell Value' action supports properties in row and column index.
- Bug_0286: For button with icon only, turn on the 'underline' decoration, then error happens and current action will halt.
- Bug_0287: If table's actual row height is different than default value, the alternate color filling is incorrect in Hand Drawing, Windows XP and Windows 7 themes.
- Bug_0288: Hide the default icons for tree element, the icons are still visible in simulation.
- Bug_0289: Lock the position of the element and unselect it, the element become invisible if you drag it.
- Bug_0290: Can not directly click specific regions of element to change selection if zoom ratio is not 100%. (Tree, Table, Tabs, VerticalTabs and MultilevelMenu)
- Bug_0291: Hold SHIFT to resize element with aspect locked, the aspect is not accurate when any snap action is performed.
- Bug_0292: Select user-defined category in 'Manage Category' window, all buttons hover on element in the category are not clickable until restarting ForeUI.
- Bug_0293: Add custom element with duplicated name, should update its reference in the list instead of adding new reference.
- Bug_0294: In image dock, if the image ids are not sequential, dragging image to plot may not work correctly.
Version 2.67 [2.67] (2011-02-22)
New feature and enhancements.
- New Feature: Can input note for any entity of actions (event, flow control or action).
- Enhancement: Support multirow note for element.
- Enhancement: Allow selecting previous/next entity with UP/Down arrow in action editor.
- Enhancement: Show warnning message if the plot to load does not exist.
Version 2.653 [2.653] (2011-01-21)
Minor update V2.653 fixes bugs:
- Bug_0283: Select a member of embedded group, then select the group from the "Path" link, the group can not be deleted or cut.
- Bug_0284: Elements that on top of the current selected content is painted under the selection (V2.62-V2.652).
- Bug_0285: Action indicator (small red flag) is not painted correctly when scale ratio is not 100%.
Version 2.652 [2.652] (2011-01-12)
Minor update V2.652 fixes bugs:
- Bug_0278: Can not use '$' character in text parameter of branchings or actions.
- Bug_0279: Select a group member, then select the group from the "Path" link, the group can not be fully deleted or cut.
- Bug_0280: Insert a table column/row, the old column/row on right/down become "auto" width/height (except the last one).
- Bug_0281: Resize the plot, elements in plot are repainted with incorrect size.
- Bug_0282: Inserted JPEG files are exported as (much bigger) PNG files in simulation.
Version 2.651 [2.651] (2011-01-10)
Minor update V2.651 fixes bug:
- Bug_0277: "Mouse Out" event can not be triggered in FireFox in V2.65.
Version 2.65 [2.65] (2011-01-10)
The first release in Year 2011.
- New Feature: Support animated GIF (for ImageBox, MultiLevelMenu, Tree and Window elements in simulation).
- New Feature: "Set Window Title" action for Window element.
- New Feature: "Set Focus" action for TextEditBox and Spinner elements.
- Enhancement: Show image button on floating tool pane for MultilevelMenu element.
- Enhancement: Enable hotkeys for cut/copy/paste/delete on embedded element.
- Bug_0271: "Mouse Out" event for Multileve Menu is triggered when mouse is hovering on the element.
- Bug_0272: The delay value in "Pause a while" window should be selected by default.
- Bug_0273: Can not start selecting from above of plot.
- Bug_0274: The title of Window element does not respect the default font settings.
- Bug_0275: Table column become wider in simulation.
- Bug_0276: Table column widths should be synchronized in edit/view modes.
Version 2.62 [2.62] (2010-12-20)
New Features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Window element becomes container.
- New Feature: New option to show/hide the handles beside root node in tree.
- New Feature: New option to show/hide default icons in tree.
- New Feature: Hold SHIFT to move element, restrict the vertical/horizontal direction.
- Enhancement: Freely move elements within the container.
- Enhancement: Allow cut/copy/paste/delete embedded element.
- Enhancement: Can start selecting from outside of plot editing area.
- Enhancement: paint small expand/collapse button for tree nodes in HandDrawing theme.
- Enhancement: paint (optional) lines for tree in HandDrawing and Mac OS X themes.
- Enhancement: improve rendering performance.
- Bug_0264: Embed Tree into scrollable container, Tree text become white. (IE only)
- Bug_0265: Table does not layout properly in simulation if column widths conflict with table width.
- Bug_0266: Change the padding values of ScrollableContainer, then select its embedded element. The embedded element is in wrong location.
- Bug_0268: Double clicking Balloon or Post-It element can not bring out the inline editor when zoom is not 100%.
- Bug_0269: Select an embedded element and define action for it, the selected embedded element is not show in element chooser.
- Bug_0270: Embedded element that has smaller Z value than its container can not be selected in element chooser.
Version 2.601 [2.601] (2010-12-15)
Minor update V2.601 fixes bug:
- Bug_0267: Default font of newly created plot is set to "Arial", even the default font in global settings is specified.
Version 2.60 [2.60] (2010-12-06)
New Features, enhancements and bug fixing.
- New Feature: Enhanced Tree Element
- Works as container element.
- Become interactive element in simulation.
- Brand new inline tree editor with two editing modes
- Allow specify row height respectively
- Can collapse certain tree nodes
- Expand/collapse row in editing mode
- Select row in editing mode
- New Feature: "Focus Gain" and "Focus Lost" events for TextEditBox element
- Enhancement: Allow selecting row of Table element in editing mode.
- Enhancement: Show what's new in version checking result.
- Bug_0262: Should ignore embedded elements when selecting elements with add/minus mode (SHIFT/CTRL pressed)
- Bug_0263: Text Lable element will be enlarged after content editing.
Version 2.571 [2.571] (2010-11-22)
Minor update V2.571 fixes bug:
- Bug_0261: The decoration of ComboBox can not be fully hidden in Windows XP UI theme.
Version 2.57 [2.57] (2010-11-22)
New Features, enhancements and many bug fixing.
- New Feature: Show/Hide the decoration of combobox element.
- Enhancement: Remove the boundaries of inline editor (more space for tool buttons).
- Enhancement: Improved Table Editor:
- Free editing mode
- Press ENTER or F2 to start grid editing
- Press TAB or Ctrl+ENTER to stop grid editing
- Enhancement: When show up the text editor, select the editing text by default.
- Enhancement: Do not close id editing dialog when previous input is not accepted.
- Enhancement: Do not auto backup the plot until it is modified.
- Enhancement: Remove the auto saved file when manual save is finished.
- Enhancement: Prompt user to open the auto saved file when loading the original.
- Bug_0251: Sometimes the cut command can not be undone.
- Bug_0252: The floating tool pane for Arrow Line element is not shown from V2.47
- Bug_0253: Move category up or down in the category management window, the tool buttons is not shown when mouse hovering on the custom element.
- Bug_0254: Editing members in group will reset the Z value of the group.
- Bug_0255: When dragging the embedded element within its container, should ignore the "Auto Adjust Z Value" option.
- Bug_0257: The spinner control in floating tool pane is not activated when focus is gained via TAB key.
- Bug_0258: The spinner to adjust border thickness should not be shown when border is not painted.
- Bug_0259: Text box element with thick border has incorrect vertical alignment.
- Bug_0260: Text box element with thick border will be enlarged in simulation.
Version 2.55 [2.55] (2010-11-08)
New Features, enhancements and bug fixing.
- New Feature: Search for element by various conditions.
- Enhancement: Updater supports proxy.
- Enhancement: Use toggle button to show/hide the tool window.
- Enhancement: Auto insert the current file name (if exist) in the "Save As" dialog.
- Bug_0250: Image box with small size (e.g.15x15) may be distorted when running simulation in IE.
Version 2.52 [2.52] (2010-10-25)
New Features, enhancements and bug fixing.
- New Feature: Show/hide the 4 borders of rectangle respectively.
- New Feature: Memory usage monitor and configuration.
- New Feature: Auto backup the editing plot.
- New Feature: New element property to identify the visibility in simulation.
- Enhancement: Adjust the position of "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons for Mac OS X.
- Enhancement: Use system look and feel by default in Mac OS X.
- Enhancement: Do not show action indicator (small red flag) on embedded element that is hidden by container.
- Enhancement: Remember the file chooser view type.
- Bug_0249: Tabs element has incorrect hotspots in "Mac OS X" theme (under editing mode).
Version 2.50 [2.50] (2010-10-11)
Introduce brand new updater, fix 3 bugs.
- New Feature: ForeUI updater is available (auto download and install update package).
- Bug_0246: The exported DHTML does not respect the ImageBox's background color and opacity.
- Bug_0247: If an ImageBox is embedded into Tabs, it can not be displayed in the exported DHTML.
- Bug_0248: Copy selected element(s) into clipboard and paste into Microsoft Word, the transparent background is black.
Version 2.47 [2.47] (2010-09-27)
New Features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Copy image from external application and paste into ForeUI.
- New Feature: Copy content from ForeUI and paste as image into external application.
- New Feature: Drag image file from desktop or external directory into editing area of ForeUI.
- New Feature: Drag image file from desktop or external directory into image dock of ForeUI.
- New Feature: Drag plot file into editing area or plot tabs to open it.
- New Feature: Allow using properties to parameterize loop/pause action.
- New Feature: Can specify the target window of "Visit URL" action.
- New Feature: Dynamically change ImageBox size with actions.
- New Feature: Allow specify default font for each plot.
- Enhancement: DHTML export: reduce redundant image files for ImageBox elements.
- Enhancement: Improve image dock rendering performance.
- Enhancement: Allow moving element out of the plot bounds.
- Enhancement: Auto add backslash before " or ' when editing message of User Decision branching and Show Message action.
- Enhancement: Generate log files to user's directory.
- Bug_0240: Line and Arrow Line elements can not be displayed in V2.45
- Bug_0241: Right-clicking element which is placed over a container (to bring out context menu), the element should not be embedded.
- Bug_0242: Text element editor does not select all editable content when show up in V2.45.
- Bug_0243: Move embeded element to upper/lower layer, may duplicate the element.
- Bug_0244: If custom element contains embedded element, creating multiple instances of the custom element may cause duplicated ids.
- Bug_0245: Sometimes the element id in action expression is not replaced correctly when doing copy/paste or creating custom element instance.
Version 2.45 [2.45] (2010-09-13)
Enhancements and bug fixings.
- Enhancement: Merge the script files for elements into the "elements.js" file.
- Enhancement: Merge the image files for different states of element into one file.
- Enhancement: Avoid tool windows cover newly popup window/menu/editor.
- Enhancement: Hide all tool windows when minimizing the main window.
- Enhancement: Better algorithm for id generation.
- Enhancement: Validate path before saving the plot file.
- Enhancement: Highlight the editable part of id when element id editor window shown up.
- Enhancement: Avoid using negtive z value in editing phase.
- Enhancement: Allow setting z value for embedded element.
- Bug_0236: Double clicking embedded element can not open its editor.
- Bug_0237: Disabled Spinner element should not be able to spin.
- Bug_0238: Can not disable Tabs/Vertical Tabs element in simulation.
- Bug_0239: Button text is not correctly align with icon when icon is on top/bottom of text, and text width is less than icon, and using center alignment.
Version 2.42 [2.42] (2010-08-30)
New features and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Import elements from external .fcl file into "Custom Element" category
- New Feature: Import elements from external directory into "Custom Element" category
- New Feature: Clear listed elements from "Custom Elements" category
- New Feature: Export listed element from "Custom Elements" category to .fcl file
- New Feature: Allow importing elements from .fcl file to user created category
- New Feature: Support "Change Size" action for scrollable container.
- Bug_0230: Can not export plot to images with command line if the plot contains element group. (V2.40 only)
- Bug_0231: Use arrow keys to move embedded element, the wrapper group is not updated as well.
- Bug_0232: Copy element and paste into different pages in the same plot, the location of element should not be changed.
- Bug_0233: Embedded element may be positioned incorrectly at the first time that launch the simulation.
- Bug_0234: Embed two or more ComboBox elements into Tabs container and then run simulation, only the first ComboBox has correct position.
- Bug_0235: Embed ComboBox element into Scrollable Container, the ComboBox's popup should be displayed over the container.
Version 2.40 [2.40] (2010-08-16)
New features, enchancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Display path links to ease the selection of container and embedded element.
- New Feature: Allow moving member within element group.
- New Feature: Allow adding member to existing element group.
- New Feature: Allow extracting member from existing element group.
- Enhancement: Auto grouping multi-selected elements before embedding into non-group container.
- Enhancement: Can embed element into nested container.
- Bug_0223: "Manage Categories" window (not pinned) will be hidden time by time if floating tool pane is translucent.
- Bug_0224: Multiple instances of custom element may have duplicated ids for embedded element.
- Bug_0225: Element is not valid after being embedded into ScrollableContainer, until moving the container a bit.
- Bug_0226: Copy a Tabs (or Vertical Tabs) element that contains image elements, then paste it to another plot, the images are not migrated to the plot.
- Bug_0227: Can not click to switch tab in edit area for Tabs or Vertical Tabs if they are embedded.
- Bug_0228: Element chooser: select an embedded element, then select a non-embedded element, the embeded element should be unselected.
- Bug_0229: Newly created, unsaved plot can not use the display controller to show/hide elements.
Version 2.37 [2.37] (2010-07-16)
New features and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Tabs and Vertical Tabs can work as container.
- New Feature: Tabs and Vertical Tabs become interactive in editing mode.
- New Feature: Tabs, Vertical Tabs and Scrollable container support content paddings.
- New Feature: List embedded elements in Element Selector dialog.
- New Feature: Support changing value of Spinner with action.
- Bug_0221: Clicking the "ok" button to close inline editor for any element, hotkeys can not work for this plot.
- Bug_0222: Copy and paste any element, then right click the empty area of the plot, the context menu for page is now shown.
Version 2.35 [2.35] (2010-07-05)
New features and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Spinner element becomes interactive.
- New Feature: New "value" element property for Spinner element.
- New Feature: New "selectedText" element property for ComboBox element.
- New Hotkeys:
- Ctrl+W (Command+W in Mac OS) to close current editing plot.
- Ctrl+I (Command+I in Mac OS) to show/hide image dock.
- Ctrl+L (Command+L in Mac OS) to show/hide display controller.
- Ctrl+E (Command+E in Mac OS) to show/hide element selector.
- Ctrl+G (Command+G in Mac OS) to show/hide global property manager.
- Enter or F2 to start editing the selected element.
- Bug_0214: Some hotkeys (PageUp, PageDown, Left/Right/Up/Down etc.) do not work if any element editor is opened in another plot tab.
- Bug_0215: Table Editor: the highlighted table cell should not accept newly input content without double clicking the cell (JRE 6 only).
- Bug_0216: Dragging LineChart, BarChart or PieChart element to the editing area, no semi-transparent preview is displayed.
- Bug_0217: Table element is not using "Comic Sans MS" as the default font in "Hand Drawing" UI theme.
- Bug_0218: Wrong page titles in Slid Show when using excluded folders.
- Bug_0219: Error happens when selecting the last item and then remove the item. (exist in list, tree, menu, menu bar and tabs)
- Bug_0220: Should allow specifying icon of Vertical Tabs in the floating tool pane.
Version 2.32 [2.32] (2010-06-21)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New Scrollable Container element.
- New Feature: Can show/hide each rounded corner of Rectangle element.
- Enhancement: Holding right mouse key to drag elements can ignore the snap system.
- Enhancement: Pressing the region out side of the plot can clear the current selection.
- Bug_0206: Can not select group member if the position of group is locked.
- Bug_0207: Select an embedded element and move mouse over its border, the cursor should change to suggest resizing.
- Bug_0208: Can not select embedded element if the zoom ratio is not 100%.
- Bug_0209: Dragging embedded element should not move the container element.
- Bug_0210: Vertical aligned text label element with mutirow content has wrong layout in editing mode.
- Bug_0211: Pressing the "Auto Sizing" button for text label element, the size should be calculated according to current element width.
- Bug_0212: Custom element with 45x45 size takes 100x100 space in the element categories.
- Bug_0213: Set text with contains continuous spaces to Text Label in simulation, only one space will take effect.
Version 2.30 [2.30] (2010-06-07)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Redesign the resource view of community window, includes:
- Run simulation for plot and custom element in web browser.
- Vote resource up with single click.
- Leave comment directly in the community window.
- List more resources in a page.
- Show number of downloads, votes and comments.
- Sort resources by time, downloads, votes or comments.
- New Feature: New editor for TextBox element, which allows changing width.
- Enhancement: Adjust the arithmetic for embedded element selection: make sure every elements can be selected.
- Enhancement: Content editing has higher priority than member selection when double clicking member in group.
- Enhancement: Allow adding batch of .fce files into "Custom Element" category a time.
- Enhancement: When export DHTML to non-empty directory, explicitly ask whether to clean up before exporting. Will only clean up the "images", "scripts" and "styles" folders with confirmation.
- Bug_0142: Table element can not layout "incomplete" row properly in simulation.
- Bug_0200: Line element with thickness > 1 will be trimmed in simulation.
- Bug_0201: The sub menu width of Multilevel Menu is not properly calculated if default font is set to "Verdana".
- Bug_0202: When copy and paste nodes in behavior editor, the newly pasted node is collapsed by default. (regression in V2.27)
- Bug_0203: Text editor does not reflect the bold or italic style of the editing text element.
Version 2.27 [2.27] (2010-05-24)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New "Mutilevel Menu" element.
- New Feature: Can change content margin for Button element.
- Enhancement: Do not auto expand tree nodes in the pages management window.
- Enhancement: When manipulating the behavior tree, only expand the nodes that are modified.
- Bug_0196: Duplicate page with table that contains multiple embedded elements, some embedded elements may disappear. (re-fixed)
- Bug_0197: Table edit: clear content for all cells and press ok, the application may hang.
- Bug_0198: Can not change the state of TextBox with action during the simulation.
Version 2.25 [2.25] (2010-05-10)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Smart focusing after zoom in/out.
- New Feature: Append new row/column in table editor.
- New Feature: Proxy settings for internet access.
- Enhancement: When try to export DHTML to existed directory, clean the directory first.
- Enhancement: Add "Extract from Container" option in context menu for embedded element.
- Enhancement: Auto resize table after embedding element (If the "auto sizing" option is on).
- Enhancement: When resizing the table, only the column with "auto" width should be scaled.
- Bug_0188: Table cell with comma will be splited into two cells.
- Bug_0189: "Element Clicked" event is not triggered when clicking the table row. (regression in V2.22)
- Bug_0190: Do nothing in table editor and press ok button, the table is marked as "modified" (while actually it is not).
- Bug_0191: Table element may contain broken reference to deleted element, which cause error in DHTML generation.
- Bug_0192: Rename embedded element will make it dispear from the container.
- Bug_0193: Hand drawing theme should respect the background color of button element.
- Bug_0194: The action indicator (red flag) on Table element is not clickable (regression in V2.22)
- Bug_0195: Should not resize table after editing if "auto resizing option" is off, or preferred size is not bigger than current size.
- Bug_0196: Duplicate page with table that contains multiple embedded elements, some embedded elements may dispear.
Version 2.22 [2.22] (2010-04-26)
A major milestone that introduce the nesting mechanism.
- New Feature: Allow embedding elements into Table element.
- New Feature: Brand new table editor which provides these new features:
- Row height and column width editing.
- Row and column add/delete.
- Move/delete mmbedded element within the table cell.
- Specify cell alignment respectively
- New Feature: Support selecting a member in group, or embedded element within table.
- New Hotkeys:
- Ctrl Plus(numpad): Zoom In
- Ctrl Minus(numpad): Zoom Out
- Bug_0185: Line element can not be rendered correctly in IE if the element width or height less than 20.
- Bug_0186: Should not hide the text editor when clicking its semitransparent border.
- Bug_0187: In Mac OS, press CMD+R to launch simulation. When return to the application, the element selecting is not working properly.
Version 2.20 [2.20] (2010-04-12)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Zoom in or zoom out the editing view.
- New Hotkeys:
- Ctrl =: Zoom In (Cmd = in Mac)
- Ctrl -: Zoom Out (Cmd - in Mac)
- Ctrl 1: Zoom to 100% (Cmd 1 in Mac)
- Ctrl 2: Zoom to 200% (Cmd 2 in Mac)
- Ctrl 3: Zoom to 300% (Cmd 3 in Mac)
- Ctrl 4: Zoom to 400% (Cmd 4 in Mac)
- Ctrl 5: Zoom to 50% (Cmd 5 in Mac)
- Enhancement: Allow text editor to exceed the plot editing area.
- Enhancement: Ajust the text positioning for all text elements.
- Enhancement: Do not bring the progress window to top when exporting in progress.
- Enhancement: Show warning message when trying to load a plot created by higher version.
- Enhancement: Smartly update the custom event name during copy/paste if it contains element id.
- Bug_0180: Set the date of Calendar element to the last day of the month, all buttons after the date will be filled incorrectly.
- Bug_0181: Arrow Line element is not rendered properly in simulation.
- Bug_0182: TextBox with initial invisible state can not really become visible via "Change Visibility" action.
- Bug_0183: Add custom element to user-defined element category and restart the software, the category will be lost.
- Bug_0184: "Set Global Cursor" action does not work for Rectangle and some other elements since V2.17.
Version 2.17 [2.17] (2010-03-29)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Support icon in tabs and vertical tabs element.
- New Feature: Allow changing tab height for tabs and vertical tabs elements.
- New Feature: New (global) MouseMove, MouseDown and MouseUp events for drag and drop simulation support.
- New Feature: New "Current_Cursor_X" and "Current_Cursor_Y" global properties.
- New Feature: New "Key Up" event.
- Enhancement: Allow editing custom element content in new tab.
- Enhancement: Support copying/pasting hex color value in color picker.
- Enhancement: Commit data when page title and page note edit field lose its focus.
- Enhancement: Show error message when pressing Ctrl+D to call action editor for a selected group.
- Enhancement: List recent plot files in "File" menu.
- Enhancement: Can configure the maximum number of recent file records.
- Enhancement: Change the menu structure for Mac OS.
- Enhancement: Change some menu hotkeys for Mac OS.
- SHIFT+CMD+Y: Slide Show
- SHIFT+CMD+S: Save As
- CMD+Q: Quit ForeUI
- Bug_0166: TextBox element can not restore visibility after hidden by its container.
- Bug_0167: Press ENTER after changing plot size in plot configure window, the window is closed but the changed is discarded. (Mac OS only)
- Bug_0168: Can not add image that smaller than 10x10 into image dock (while the minimum image size should be 5x5).
- Bug_0169: Modification will be lost if saving on a read-only plot file, no message is shown.
- Bug_0170: Use ComboBox to switch page, the popup list will not be hidden automatically in IE.
- Bug_0171: The selection of popup list in ComboBox should be cleared after hiding the popup list.
- Bug_0172: In Mac OS X, after closing the about dialog in ForeUI menu, another "V1.00" about dialog will pop up.
- Bug_0173: Saved .fce file contains inconsistent page id.
- Bug_0174: Element categories with small button will not update its style when UI theme is changed.
- Bug_0175: Input file name without ".4ui" suffix for new plot file, the recent file history will save an incomplete record.
- Bug_0176: After clicking the "Ok" button in settings window, it always ask for restarting ForeUI, even there is nothing changed.
- Bug_0177: The thumbnail for newly added or loaded custom element can not be updated when UI theme is changed.
- Bug_0178: The scrollable range in element category is too big when displaying small element buttons.
- Bug_0179: The scrollable range in element category is not updated after a filter keyword is entered.
Version 2.15 [2.15] (2010-03-15)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: German language supported.
- New Feature: Use shift + arrow keys to nudge element with a major grid.
- New Feature: Support icon in menu bar.
- New Feature: New "Element Initialized" event.
- New Feature: New "Current_Page_Title" global property.
- New Feature: Allow changing workspace location.
- Enhancement: Right-clicking item in action editor will select the item before showing context menu.
- Enhancement: Remember the recently used case type in Switch Branching editing.
- Enhancement: Exported DHTML can auto fit the screen width when loaded in web browser on mobile phone.
- Enhancement: Set property action supports setting numeric value.
- Enhancement: Add a button for custom element creation in floating tool pane.
- Bug_0160: Temporary folders for elements in user defined category is not removed from workspace after closing ForeUI.
- Bug_0161: Modify the action for group member, the modification will be discarded after moving the group.
- Bug_0162: Renaming the custom global property should also update them in expression.
- Bug_0163: The properties in the message of User Decision Branching are not updated when properties are renamed.
- Bug_0164: Select an element that supports image, drag an image from image dock to the element, the floating tool pane should be restored after releasing the mouse.
- Bug_0165: Change icon command for Tree/List/Menu can not undo correctly.
Version 2.12 [2.12] (2010-03-01)
Minor update with many bug fixings.
- Bug_0146: If a folder is nested under a page, it can not be removed.
- Bug_0147: There is a delay when start drag selecting.
- Bug_0148: The height of Calendar header is significantly reduced in simulation if the calendar is big.
- Bug_0149: Double-click the image in group can not change its image source.
- Bug_0150: Group member A covers B, B may be hidden if A is set to invisible in simulation.
- Bug_0151: Can not get the specific cell value of table in simulation.
- Bug_0152: Empty table body can not be painted in simulation.
- Bug_0153: When dragging window element that contains element group, the group members can not be moved correctly.
- Bug_0154: The entired Window element are draggable in simulation, it should be limited to header only.
- Bug_0155: Select a group and press Ctrl+D, that allows adding behavior to group (which should be disabled).
- Bug_0156: Should not allow deleting the page if all other pages are nested under it.
- Bug_0157: If page B is nested under page A, remove page A, then undo will meet error.
- Bug_0158: "Change State" action is not listed for TextEditBox element.
- Bug_0159: Invisible element in group should be painted semi-transparently in design phase.
Version 2.10 [2.10] (2010-02-10)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New "Key Down" event for keyboard event processing.
- New Feature: New "Current_Key_Code" system property for identifying the current pressed key.
- New Feature: New "Ctrl_Key_State" system property to identify if the CTRL key is pressed.
- New Feature: New "Alt_Key_State" system property to identify if the ALT key is pressed.
- New Feature: New "Shift_Key_State" system property to identify if the SHIFT key is pressed.
- New Feature: New "Focused_Element_Id" system property to retrive the id of element that has focus.
- New Feature: New element property to represent the id of element.
- New Feature: Text label element supports border and vertical alignment.
- New Feature: Access image/DHTML export feature via command line.
- Enhancement: Switch page in simulation, do not hide current page if the target page does not exist.
- Enhancement: Shows multiple menu items to launch action editor if right click on multiple elements.
- Enhancement: Make text content in Table element unselectable for FF, Chrome and Opera.
- Enhancement: Tool windows can be resized.
- Enhancement: Allow reseting all parameters in settings window.
- Enhancement: Allow renaming custom event.
- Bug_0139: Single row Table with header cause error in simulation.
- Bug_0140: The "Auto resize element after editing its content" option does not take effect when adding image into button.
- Bug_0141: Copying page allocates duplicated element ids.
- Bug_0143: Copy element that contains "Switch Page" action and paste it to new plot, the new plot will contain the old plot data.
- Bug_0144: Mutirow, encrypt text edit box can not be properly auto resized.
- Bug_0145: The tree view in page management window may become too narrow if any page has a long title.
Version 2.05 [2.05] (2010-02-01)
Minor update, includes some enhancements and bug fixings.
- Enhancement: Multi-selection support in action editor.
- Enhancement: Show author name in resource listing view.
- Bug_0133: V1.xx plot that contains conditional branchings may not be loaded in V2.0
- Bug_0134: Loading rectangle element with width=20 or height=20 in V1.xx plot file, the rectangle will be resized.
- Bug_0135: Create several instances of same custom element, move the newly created element, its action will be messed up.
- Bug_0136: Single row table (without header) shows nothing in simulation.
- Bug_0138: Custom event (and its child nodes) can not be pasted.
Version 2.00 [2.00] (2010-01-25)
A milestone of ForeUI product, major upgrade.
- New Feature: New "Windows 7" UI theme for prototyping.
- New Feature: Integrate with ForeUI user community web site.
- New Feature: Element category management (show/hide/add/edit/remove category).
- New Feature: Tree structured page management: support drag and drop.
- New Feature: Support global properties for interaction definition.
- New Feature: Support add/trigger custom events for actions reusage.
- New Feature: Display settings for toolbar icon, toolbar text, action flag and element button size.
- New Feature: Table element supports "Table Cell Values" property.
- New Feature: New placeholder element.
- Enhancement: Table content should not be wrapped, unless '\n' is used.
- Enhancement: When inputing the target element id, the id list should include ids for group members.
- Enhancement: Property chooser also allow inputing element id directely.
- Enhancement: Add page navigation buttons on bottom tool bar.
- Enhancement: Improved some dialogs UI (page management, plot configure, element selector etc.)
- Enhancement: Avoid selecting text within table body by double-clicking in the simulation.
- Enhancement: "Show Message" action can do optional calculation within the message.
- Enhancement: Allow specifying the loop interval in behavior editor.
- Enhancement: Adjust the title position for window element.
- Enhancement: Rectangle, ellipse, triangle and placeholder support line stye (solid, dashed, dot).
- Bug_0126: The table element with spaces in content will be shows as " ..." when export html more than one time.
- Bug_0127: If one row of table element contains less columns than other rows, error occur when exporting to html.
- Bug_0128: Post commands list is disabled by default, even the post commands are enabled.
- Bug_0129: ComboBox element can not contain "<", ">" sysmbols.
- Bug_0130: Delete a master page may cause the page manage window crash.
- Bug_0131: Page management window should be closed when the plot is closed.
- Bug_0132: The window icon and title is not aligned well when title contains parenthesis.
Version 1.90 [1.90] (2009-12-28)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Table element supports content scrolling
- New Feature: Allow setting table cell alignment separately with "<", "=" and ">" at the beginning of text.
- New Feature: New "Set Cell Value" action for table element.
- New Feature: Table/List/Tree/Tabs/VerticalTabs elements support "Set Selected Index" action.
- New Feature: Input the action target element id directly.
- New Feature: Invoke post commands after DHTML exporting.
- Enhancement: Avoid selecting header of table element in edit mode.
- Enhancement: Press Backspace to delete element for non-Mac system.
- Fixed Bug_0120: Main window may be hidden when click the action button on page management window.
- Fixed Bug_0122: Calendar element is not displayed correctly in FireFox.
- Fixed Bug_0123: Tabs/VertcialTabs/Tree/List/Table elements should invoke the handler for "Selection Changed" event when default selection is changed.
- Fixed Bug_0124: Sometimes Page Up/Down can not switch page in simulation after clicking some element.
- Fixed Bug_0125: List/Tree element without selected item is not painted correctly in simulation.
Version 1.85 [1.85] (2009-12-14)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New vertical tabs element.
- New Feature: Page manage window and element selector window can be pinned and keep opened.
- Enhancement: ComboBox supports "Selected Index" property.
- Enhancement: ComboBox supports "Selection Changed" event.
- Enhancement: ComboBox supports "Set Selected Index" action.
- Enhancement: Ctrl+Click to bring up context menu in Mac.
- Enhancement: Command+Click to remove element from selection in Mac.
- Enhancement: Store last modify time in .4ui and .fce files for future usage.
- Fixed Bug_0117: Page name editing should be stopped when closing the page manage window.
- Fixed Bug_0118: Page information in status bar is not correct if switching page in "Page Loaded" event handler.
- Fixed Bug_0119: Empty tab in Tabs element can not be selected in simulation
Version 1.80 [1.80] (2009-11-30)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New "Mouse Over" event for all elements.
- New Feature: New "Mouse Out" event for all elements.
- Enhancement: ComboBox becomes interactive in simulation.
- Enhancement: The default state of radio button and check box changed to "Normal".
- Fixed Bug_0114: Can not add more cases after defining the switch branching.
- Fixed Bug_0115: The "Element Clicked" event should also be fired when clicking on the Menu element.
- Fixed Bug_0116: Should not allow changing plot via Undo/Redo when editing element content.
Version 1.77 [1.77] (2009-11-19)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New arrow line element.
- New Feature: Specify color of table/list/tree alternate row.
- Enhancement: Color picker can clear editing color.
- Fixed Bug_0111: Double-click the .4ui file to open ForeUI, sometimes it may hang.
- Fixed Bug_0112: The group element can not be smaller than 20x20, ignoring its content's actual size.
- Fixed Bug_0113: Press Page Up/Down to switch page should not scroll the plot as well.
Version 1.75 [1.75] (2009-11-09)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Handy element selector: tree structure + filter.
- List elements in tree structure by type
- Allow filtering the tree with keyword
- New Feature: double-click image element to choose image.
- Enhancement: Store image export settings in configure file.
- Enhancement: Avoid launching multiple instances of application (Windows).
- Fixed Bug_0110: Can not turn off Auto Resizing behavior on elements in group.
Version 1.72 [1.72] (2009-11-02)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New pie chart element
- New Feature: New option to set default font of text element
- Enhancement: Allow turn on/off the auto resizing after element content editing.
- Enhancement: Post-It should be left-aligned by default.
- Enhancement: Allow setting element's exact opacity value.
- Fixed Bug_0106: Post-It element has no content margins.
- Fixed Bug_0107: Switch branching with numeric cases does not work in FF/Chrome.
- Fixed Bug_0108: The default font of text element changed in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0109: Once select the font for element, can not change it back to
Version 1.70 [1.70] (2009-10-26)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New bar chart element.
- New Feature: New switch flow control for behavior editing.
- New Feature: Drag and drop support in behavior editor.
- New Feature: Context menu that provides cut/copy/paste commands in behavior editor.
- Enhancement: Press Shift to lock aspect ratio when resizing
- Enhancement: Avoid moving element just after the selecting.
- Enhancement: Some new hotkeys:
- ESC to close the text editor
- ESC to close page manage window
- Ctrl+X (CMD+X in Mac) to cut node in behavior editor
- Ctrl+C (CMD+C in Mac) to copy node in behavior editor
- Ctrl+V (CMD+V in Mac) to paste node in behavior editor
- Fixed Bug_0101: The background of element chooser should be fully filled with plot's background color
- Fixed Bug_0102: Some buttons in text editor are hidden when using Windows' native look and feel.
- Fixed Bug_0103: Item with spaces in MenuBar element is not highlighted correctly.
- Fixed Bug_0104: Element default font should be the same with the tool's default font.
- Fixed Bug_0105: Group members' z values are ignored in simulation.
Version 1.65 [1.65] (2009-10-12)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New "Line Chart" element.
- New Feature: New option to use page title in the image file name.
- New Feature: Allow setting the scrolling property of iframe element.
- New Feature: Some new hotkeys:
- PageUp or PageDown (Fn + Up or Down in Mac) to switch page in edit mode.
- CTRL + Left or Right (CMD + Left or Right in Mac) to switch selection in edit mode.
- DELETE (BACKSPACE in Mac) to delete entity in behavior dialog.
- ESC to close popup window.
- CTRL + D (CMD + D in Mac) to open behavior dialog.
- Enhancement: Show page title on bottom-left corner in edit mode.
- Enhancement: Text edit box has no text content by default.
- Enhancement: Change the minimum size of image element to 5x5
- Enhancement: Move workspace, customized and plot folders to the preferred directory.
- Fixed Bug_0099: TextEditBox element lists some actions that are not implemented yet.
- Fixed Bug_0100: IFrame element should have thicker border in hand drawing theme.
Version 1.60 [1.60] (2009-09-28)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: New iFrame & Web Browser Elements
- New Feature: New "Element Hidden" and "Window Closed" events.
- New Feature: Add note on page (can be exported to PDF as page footer).
- New Feature: New "Set System Cursor" Action.
- New Feature: New "Change Size" Action for text box element.
- New Feature: New "Change Opacity" Action for text box element.
- New Feature: New "Change Background Color" Action for text box element.
- New Feature: New "Change Text Color" Action for text box element.
- Enhancement: Allow manipulating elements on master page from other pages.
- Enhancement: TextEditBox element does not paint the caret by default.
- Enhancement: Smarter id allocation.
- Enhancement: Show page title in the browser status bar.
- Enhancement: Allow turn on/off the z value auto adjustment when overlapping elements.
- Fixed Bug_0093: The actions on page level is not updated when involved element id is changed.
- Fixed Bug_0094: The element id "A_B_C" is regarded as "A_B" when trying to edit the id.
- Fixed Bug_0095: JS exception when click on Table/List/Tree/Menu/Tabs that has no "Selection Changed" event handler.
- Fixed Bug_0096: Copy & paste multiple elements, the element id in actions are not mapped correctly.
- Fixed Bug_0097: "Page Loaded" event handler is invoked twice.
- Fixed Bug_0098: The master page background is not updated immediately when switching the UI theme.
Version 1.57 [1.57] (2009-09-17)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Window dragging can be turned on/off (default off).
- New Feature: Allow getting text label value during the simulation.
- New Feature: Opacity settings for invisible element and master page.
- Enhancement: Associate .4ui file with ForeUI in Mac OS X.
- Enhancement: Make some GUI tuning for Mac OS X.
- Fixed Bug_0088: Duplicated page may have repeated element ids for same kind of elements.
- Fixed Bug_0089: Tabs element has no default selected index value in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0090: Progress bar freezes when trying to save customized element.
- Fixed Bug_0091: After dragging image from image dock to replace the image on element, the cursor can not restore.
- Fixed Bug_0092: Invisible element on window element is shown when window is close.
Version 1.55 [1.55] (2009-09-09)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Nested master page supported.
- New Feature: Display and edit element id in tool pane.
- New Feature: Remember the behavior editor window size.
- Enhancement: Window element become interactive (draggable, close button works).
- Enhancement: Window title bar can have its icon.
- Enhancement: Improve the way to generated element id and simplify the id format.
- Enhancement: Allow changing the group z-index.
- Enhancement: Move configure date to preference folder.
- Enhancement: Change GroupFrame minimun size to 20x20.
- Enhancement: Support smaller calendar (minimum size to 120x120).
- Fixed Bug_0085: "Selected & Disabled" radio button or checkbox gets enabled on hover.
- Fixed Bug_0086: Should ignore elements with lower z-index when move or show/hide element with "Include elements within the area" option.
- Fixed Bug_0087: Go to page action on first page loaded does not work.
Version 1.51 [1.51] (2009-08-21)
Quick update for bug fixings.
- Fixed Bug_0083: The tree in action editing dialog is not rendered correctly in non-EaSynth look and feel.
- Fixed Bug_0084: The Ctrl+V will make pasting two times.
Version 1.50 [1.50] (2009-08-21)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Support customized element library.
- New Feature: Allow hiding the Text Edit Box border.
- New Feature: Support right click event.
- New Feature: User preferences settings.
- Enhancement: Add cut/copy/paste/delete items to edit menu.
- Enhancement: The plot property bar on bottom will become scrollable when window isn't wide enough.
- Enhancement: Behavior editor toolbar will become scrollable when dialog isn't wide enough.
- Fixed Bug_0074: The thumbnail of customized element with single component will be too tall.
- Fixed Bug_0079: Text label has extra margin in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0080: Incorrect text margin of Text Edit Box in simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0081: PDF export: Generate 2 pages PDF for single page plot.
- Fixed Bug_0082: Change the state of non-selectable element will cause JS exception during simulation.
Version 1.45 [1.45] (2009-08-07)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Brand-new calendar element.
- New Feature: Eye dropper tool in color picker.
- New Feature: Clickable indicator for elements that has defined actions.
- New Feature: Rectangle element supports rounded corners now.
- New Feature: Rectangle, ellipse and triangle elements support border color.
- New Feature: Rectangle, ellipse and triangle elements support border thickness.
- New Feature: Allow handling events on page level.
- New Customized Element: Date Picker
- Enhancement: Go to Page action can find correct target when pages are re-ordered.
- Enhancement: The minimal height of Tabs element is the same with its title height.
- Fixed Bug_0075: Need to re-license the tool after update.
- Fixed Bug_0076: Icons in List, Menu and Tree element can not be saved in customized element.
- Fixed Bug_0077: Element chooser for action creation should select the current page by default.
- Fixed Bug_0078: Pause action in loop does not work.
Version 1.40 [1.40] (2009-07-24)
Enhancements for Mac users.
- Enhancement: Improve the experience in Mac.
- Put menus into the desktop menu bar.
- Replace CTRL to CMD in hotkeys.
- Use BackSpace key to delete element.
- Provide .dmg disk image (.app file inside) for download
- Enhancement: Directly access web browser in JRE5.
- Enhancement: Auto unify the format of boolean value when editing expression.
Version 1.37 [1.37] (2009-07-20)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Display control for editing.
- Enhancement: Menu Bar/Tabs/Table can escape the comma in content.
- Enhancement: UI theme switching can take effect without pressing "Apply" button.
- Fixed Bug_0073: Copy / Paste element does not update its behavior correctly.
Version 1.35 [1.35] (2009-07-13)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Icon placement for Button element.
- New Feature: SelectionChanged event available.
- Enhancement: Menu Bar supports interaction.
- Enhancement: Menu supports interaction.
- Enhancement: List supports interaction.
- Enhancement: Tree supports interaction.
- Enhancement: Table supports interaction.
- Enhancement: Tabs supports interaction.
- Enhancement: Preloads images before launching simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0068: Duplicated pages don't copy action targets well
- Fixed Bug_0072: Hand drawing theme: Image elements are always grayscale.
Version 1.32 [1.32] (2009-07-08)
Enhancement, new customized element and bug fixings.
- Enhancement: Transparent background for hand drawing theme.
- New Customized Element: Vertical layout button.
- Fixed Bug_0065: Transparent GIF image are not painted correctly.
- Fixed Bug_0066: The spaces at the beginning are not rendered on the plot.
- Fixed Bug_0067: The font is not exported to DHTML in V1.30
- Fixed Bug_0070: Image Export: choose existed file and change the name doesn't make sense.
- Fixed Bug_0071: Hand drawing theme: Tabs should have different color when disabled.
Version 1.30 [1.30] (2009-06-29)
New UI theme, new features, enhancement and bug fixings.
- New UI Theme: Hand drawing UI theme available.
- New Feature: Allow inputting the z-index of element directly.
- Enhancement: Exporting the rumple effect to DHTML.
- Enhancement: Auto check new versions when startup.
- Fixed Bug_0063: The text label collapses spaces when simulating.
- Fixed Bug_0064: After dragging the opacity slider, too may opacity records in undo history.
Version 1.27 [1.27] (2009-06-23)
New element and bug fixings.
- New Customized Element: Placeholder.
- Fixed Bug_0057: Text label is on incorrect location during simulation.
- Fixed Bug_0058: The file "website_simulation.4ui" and "installer_simulation.4ui" can not be loaded.
- Fixed Bug_0059: Too many css files are used, it will meet problem when simulating in IE.
- Fixed Bug_0061: The conditional loop is not really stopped when condition is not satisfied.
- Fixed Bug_0062: The text label ignore the line break when simulating.
Version 1.25 [1.25] (2009-06-15)
New features, enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Support loop in workflow simulation.
- New Customized Element: Hyperlink.
- New Customized Element: Title Text.
- New Customized Element: Radio Button Group.
- Enhancement: Simplify the action editing process.
- Fixed Bug_0052: Create customized element with a group, the behavior on members can not work (lost target).
- Fixed Bug_0054: Should show customized elements in "All Elements" category
- Fixed Bug_0055: Inserted property should replace the current selection in expression.
- Fixed Bug_0056: Canceling element selection should recover the previous selection.
Version 1.22 [1.22] (2009-06-09)
Minor update for new features and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Dynamically change the text of label supported.
- New Feature: Allow setting select state of multiple check boxes within a group.
- New Feature: Allow unselecting sibling radio buttons within a group when selecting on of them.
- Fixed Bug_0048: Double click customized element to add, some elements are moved to incorrect location.
- Fixed Bug_0049: Double click customized element to add, new elements should be selected.
- Fixed Bug_0050: The color of text label should be changed when it is disabled.
- Fixed Bug_0051: The action to change Text Edit Box value should support multi line editing.
Version 1.20 [1.20] (2009-05-29)
A milestone of ForeUI product, added many important features, implement some enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Interactive simulation on web browser.
- New Feature: User customized element supported.
- New Feature: Export prototype to DHTML.
- New Feature: Allow adding note to element.
- New Feature: All elements support visible property.
- New Feature: Text edit box support multi row property and encrypt property.
- Enhancement: allow closing the page management dialog by clicking the plot area.
- Fixed Bug_0044: Save plot file may meet exception.
- Fixed Bug_0045: Caret display incorrect when text edit box is empty.
- Fixed Bug_0046: Changing UI theme should affect all pages.
- Fixed Bug_0047: Without copying first, cut an element then undo the action, exception will occur.
Version 1.10 [1.10] (2009-05-17)
Add new features, implement some enhancements and bug fixings.
- New Feature: Slide show for UI prototype.
- New Feature: Export to PDF file.
- New Feature: Elements support multiple states
- Enhancement: Add progress window for all IO actions.
- Enhancement: Toolbar will become scrollable if the window is not wide enough.
- Fixed Bug_0042: Pages list should auto-scroll to make new added item visible
- Fixed Bug_0043: Plot with empty page can not save
Version 1.07 [1.07] (2009-05-13)
Add new features.
- New Feature: Support exporting multiple pages as images.
- New Feature: Support new exporting formats: JPG, GIF, BMP and WBMP
- New Feature: Add triangle element
- New Feature: Allow pressing CTRL+ENTER to finish multi row text editing.
Version 1.05 [1.05] (2009-05-07)
Fixed some bugs and added new features.
- New Feature: Support multiple pages within a plot.
- New Feature: Perform update checking from menu.
- Fixed Bug_0030: The text editor may be trimmed.
- Fixed Bug_0037: Floating tool pane may cover the selected elements.
- Fixed Bug_0038: Image id display incorrect in floating tool pane.
- Fixed Bug_0040: Elements should be aligned to the lead selection.
Version 1.02 [1.02] (2009-04-30)
Bug fixing version.
- Fixed Bug_0033: List, Menu, Table and Tree change text with the copied object together.
- Fixed Bug_0034: Specify an image to a button, undo the action, then button text contains "[img-1]".
- Fixed Bug_0035: Copy and paste actions may not be undo/redo in some cases.
- Fixed Bug_0036: Edit text of element within a group, click empty area to stop, some error messages in log file.
Version 1.00 [1.00] (2009-04-27)
First officially released version. Fixed some bugs and added new features.