
So I am having this table and when a user checks the checkboxes in the table I am taking the value of the row of the table and putting in another cell of the table. For this I created a global property and checked it if the checkbox were active. Now the issue is there is no specific order in which I can expect the users to put a check a checkbox in this table, therefore when I check the global property I do know which column this selected row goes to but I can’t assign a specific row in this other table. There is a possibility a user might select the same checkbox in table 1 each time they create a new form. Hope the question makes sense?

Secondly for two text edit boxes which have encryption enabled, is their a way to check the values of these two boxes and give a small message which tells the user if the values are same?

Thirdly I am curious if their is a way to get the focus of the screen for a page to be towards the last appended( added) row in the table?



4 answers

Also in this page I have, I would like the text edit form to be reloaded (in other words having blank form on button click). I don’t want the entire to have new values, this table I mentioned above should retain the value of the table( i.e. rows and columns). So a part of the page is refreshing. How is this possible? Thanks


Sorry I don’t understand your first question. Just FYI, you don’t have to define global property for each checkbox, since the “selected” property is built-in for CheckBox element. So you can always check if the checkbox is selected using somthing like this: [CheckBox_1.selected]

For the second question, you can compare the values of two TextEditBox elements. The “value” property is built-in for TextEditBox element. You can use it like: [TextEditBox_1.value]

For the third question, you can check the {Focused_Element_Id} system property to know which element has focus. However it has no idea of which row is recently appended. You can always think the last row is the newly appended row.

The value will be there until you or the user to remove it. You will need to clear the values in the form (with actions) if you don’t want them to show up next time.


okay, I ll try again with the first question. Table 5 and Table 1 are two tables. Below is the picture of table 1( it has 2 columns). New rows get added to this table and the checkboxes become visible when new rows are appended in table 1. Now when you add a new row you can check one of the checkboxes and on checking the checkbox the corresponding value from the table row gets attached to it. Also on checking the checkbox the same value goes to a specific cell in table 5. This cell is always in column 5 in table 5 but the row cannot be determined and therefore I am wondering if their is a way for me to get around this situation.

A scenario which might help to understand, think of yourself creating a account on some website for something and there is a form on this website which needs to be filled, and you also have the option of assigning yourself to a group on this site. You can create new accounts for employees of foreUI on this site and assign them to either the group you are already a part of by checking that specific group or check on some new group. In my situation I am trying to make the prototype work in a way that you might be able to assign the a single group for each account created and not multiple groups( since it seemed harder to combine multiple groups based on a previous answer). Hope this is a better explanation. Thanks for other answers. I will look into them.

For the answer of second question, just want to see if for the encryption enabled text edit box, do I need to have a element clicked option to check these two values in two edit boxes or could is it possible to have such a action even without a element clicked.Thanks


Well, it seems that you just want to make sure only one checkbox will be selected at a time? If so you can easily achieve this by handling the “Element Clicked” event for each checkbox:

All behaviors are event driven. The behavior flow chart will start from an event (no matter what event it is). If you want to auto start an action, consider using the “Page Loaded” event for that page.


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