
Setting a default font is handy but updating that default is not so kind.

I suspected that if I left my objects set to use the default then they would update to a new default font if I chose to change it. Today I realized that changing the font will in fact not update my existing objects; even newly created objects (within a workspace created under the old default) seem to hold the old style.

Is this intended functionality and will it change in the future?

2 answers

Hi Barnett,

Actually the elements with default font will be auto updated as soon as you change the default font. I guess you are changing the default font from the settings window, which will only take effect when you set the default font to “Same as Global Settings” in the plot configuration window. Like this:

By default the default font for the plot is set to “Arial”, so changing the global default font will not affact the default font for the plot.

There are two approaches to make it works, you can use any of them:

1. Just set the default font for the plot in the plot configuration window.

2. Set the plot default font to “Same as Global Settings” in the plot configuration window, then you can change default font in the settings window.


I had honestly never noticed that button down there. I have since had no issues with how this operates. Thank you!


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