


New Feature: new “Line Chart” element.

New Feature: new option to use page title in the image file name.

New Feature: allow setting the scrolling property of iframe element.

New Feature: some new hotkeys:

    PageUp or PageDown (Fn + Up or Down in Mac) to switch page in edit mode.

    CTRL + Left or Right (CMD + Left or Right in Mac) to switch selection in edit mode.

    DELETE (BACKSPACE in Mac) to delete entity in behavior dialog.

    ESC to close popup window.

    CTRL + D (CMD + D in Mac) to open behavior dialog.

Enhancement: show page title on bottom-left corner in edit mode.

Enhancement: text edit box has no text content by default.

Enhancement: change the minimum size of image element to 5×5

Enhancement: move workspace, customized and plot folders to the preferred directory.

Fixed Bug_0099: TextEditBox element lists some actions that are not implemented yet.

Fixed Bug_0100: IFrame element should have thicker border in hand drawing theme.

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