


New Feature: Show/Hide the decoration of combobox element.

Enhancement: Remove the boundaries of inline editor (more space for tool buttons).

Enhancement: Improved Table Editor:

Free editing mode

Press ENTER or F2 to start cell editing

Press TAB or Ctrl+ENTER to stop editing

Enhancement: When show up the text editor, select the editing text by default.

Enhancement: Do not close id editing dialog when previous input is not accepted.

Enhancement: Do not auto backup the plot until it is modified.

Enhancement: Remove the auto saved file when manual save is finished.

Enhancement: Prompt user to open the auto saved file when loading the original.

Bug_0251: Sometimes the cut command can not be undone.

Bug_0252: The floating tool pane for Arrow Line element is not shown from V2.47

Bug_0253: Move category up or down in the category management window, the tool buttons is not shown when mouse hovering on the custom element.

Bug_0254: Editing members in group will reset the Z value of the group.

Bug_0255: When dragging the embedded element within its container, should ignore the “Auto Ajust Z Value” option.

Bug_0257: The spinner control in floating tool pane is not activated when focus is gained via TAB key.

Bug_0258: The spinner to adjust border thickness should not be shown when border is not painted.

Bug_0259: Text box element with thick border has incorrect vertical alignment.

Bug_0260: Text box element with thick border will be enlarged in simulation.

1 answer

You have made some great improvements in this release, thank you!

I especially like the enhancements of the ComboBox element and Table editor!


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