After upgrading from V.2.77 to V.3.40 with an upgrade -Key the program doesn’t launch any more. Can you please help?
4 answers
Hello, maybe you could try these steps:
1) Kill the process for ForeUI (if any).
2) Rename your configure directory for ForeUI. By default it is at “(userDir)/.foreui/conf”, where (userDir) is the home directory of your user account. For Windows users it should be “C:User(username)”, for Mac user it should be “/Users/(username)”. Just rename it (and let ForeUI generate it next time).
3) Launch ForeUI again.
Now you should be able to launch the program.
after trying your steps the program doesn’t launch.
Maybe this few lines from the foreui.log will help you to help us:
[2013-10-30 09:48:55,909] [main] [INFO] Starting ForeUI V3.4 (V3.40 ) …
[2013-10-30 09:48:56,155] [main] [INFO] Exception in thread “main”
[2013-10-30 09:48:56,155] [main] [INFO] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/noos/xing/mydoggy/ToolWindowManager
[2013-10-30 09:48:56,155] [main] [INFO] at com.easynth.foreui.MainApp.main(Unknown Source)
[2013-10-30 09:50:21,904] [main] [INFO] Starting ForeUI V3.4 (V3.40 ) …
[2013-10-30 09:50:23,171] [main] [INFO] Exception in thread “main”
[2013-10-30 09:50:23,171] [main] [INFO] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/noos/xing/mydoggy/ToolWindowManager
[2013-10-30 09:50:23,172] [main] [INFO] at com.easynth.foreui.MainApp.main(Unknown Source)
[2013-10-30 09:52:22,498] [main] [INFO] Starting ForeUI V3.4 (V3.40 ) …
[2013-10-30 09:52:22,744] [main] [INFO] Exception in thread “main”
[2013-10-30 09:52:22,744] [main] [INFO] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/noos/xing/mydoggy/ToolWindowManager
[2013-10-30 09:52:22,744] [main] [INFO] at com.easynth.foreui.MainApp.main(Unknown Source)
For me it looks like a connection problem. But i’m don’t know how to solve it.
Thanks for your help.
Hello, it seems the installation is corrupt and some files are missing. Please download ForeUI again from and install again (overwrite your previous installation). I believe that should help.
after many tries to solve the problem, we found at least the solution.
Installing a higher version (V.2.810) than V.2.77 solved our problem.
Because after this installation the upgrade-key works perfectly and without any issues.
Thank you for your help.
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