since ForeUI 3.0 i have the problem when i try to scale an element by the first try ForeUI cancel (if no element in background) or scale/move the element below the one i selected.
and the mouse cursor shows the scale-icon in the moment i press the mousebutton down.
5 answers
Hi Yasofies, sorry I don’t understand. Did you mean “resize” when you said “scale”? I don’t know how to reproduce the issue you mentioned.
Could you describe it with one or two picgures?
I am sorry.
i took a second look on the problem. and now its clear. the problem is that a higher z-index element (circel) get select, when trying to resize the line
on the screenshots it shows the wrong cursor.
the problem that i see is her, that ForeUI shouldn’t select an other element when mouse-cursor suggest that i am going to resize/move the selected element.
Thanks for the details and now I understand.
However I could not reproduce this problem on my computer. Could you let me know your system information? Thanks.
windows 7 Professional 64 Bit
Intel i5 M 450 @ 2.40 GHz
ForeUI 2 und ForeUI3 installed
the circle must have a higher z-index then the line. if you still can’t reproduce i can try to send you the file. maybe it help if you zoom to 25% i work on a realy big plot 4500×3000
I tried the same but still could not reproduce it. Please send me the file for checking, thanks.
E-mail is on the way
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