
Please consider supporting Export (Image, PDF, and DHTML) via command line switches to ForeUI.exe.

This would allow me to automate the generation of DHTML via another app.

e.g. ForeUI.exe /ExportDHTML /OutputDir “c:Test”

A return code of 0 indicates success, otherwise 1 for error. No GUI should be displayed, only console output.

3 answers

Thanks for the idea, sure it will be useful when need to integrate ForeUI with other tools, just add this to our list.



Ideas for export support, this would greatly simplify inclusion of page images in reports in UX Console:

/ExportImage /Format PNG /Pages 1,5,7 /NamingFormat Index /Filename “PageImage”
This would output:
* PageImage_1.png
* PageImage_5.png
* PageImage_7.png

– If /Pages not specified, all pages (Can Page 1 also have the page number appended e.g. currently it is File.png, File_2.png, …)
– /NamingFormat – either Index or Title

/ExportPDF /Filename “Blah.pdf”



And the command line for DHTML export:

/ExportDHTML /Directory “c:tmp”

Thanks for the detailed suggestion, we will do it 🙂


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