ForeUI is an easy-to-use UI prototyping tool, designed to create mockup / wireframe / prototypes for any application or website you have in mind.

All posts tagged 3.0

ForeUI V3.0 Official Released!

The official release of ForeUI V3.0 is delivered today.  Comparing with the previous releases, this version is more focus on the reliability and usability.  However, there is still an exciting new feature in this version, which is called “integration task” that can easily integrate ForeUI with other tools.

You may already know that you can invoke ForeUI via command line to generate image or HTML5 simulation.  However, have you considered to use other tools to process the file(s) generated by ForeUI?  The integration task is designed for that purpose.  In the settings window, you will see a new tab named “Integration”, which allows you to manage the integration tasks.

You can click the “Add Task…” button to add a new integration task.  Here you can specify the parameters for the task.

If you unselect the “Task is Enabled” option, the new task will be created but not take effect immediately, until you enable it later.

If you select the “Blocking Subsequent Tasks” option, the new task will block the workflow until the command is finished.  This is useful when you want to execute a serial of tasks in order.

You will need to specify the condition that trigger the task.  So far ForeUI supports these conditions:

  • Before Saving Plot
  • After Saving Plot
  • Before Export HTML5
  • After Export HTML5

You can input or browse the command to be executed, and you can use the variables below in the command:

  • %plot%: the file path of the current editing plot.
  • %file%: the path of the output file.  For Before/After Saving Plot task, it will be the path of plot file to save; For Before/After Export HTML5 task, it will be the path of generated HTML file.
  • %dir%: the path of the output directory.  For Before/After Saving Plot task, it will be the path of directory to save plot file; For Before/After Export HTML5 task, it will be the path of directory that store the generated HTML files.

By making use of the integration task, you can invoke other tools to process the file generated by ForeUI.

Example:  Auto Commit Plot File to SVN Repository

Some customers have asked for the version control feature.  Now we can have it by integrating ForeUI with SVN.  If you are not familiar with the usage of SVN, you can find some tutorials via google.

Assume that you want to commit the plot file to SVN repository everytime after you save the plot.  First you should add your plot file into a project, and checkout your project to a local directory.  Then please open the plot with ForeUI and go to the “Integration” tab in settings window.  You can create an integration task like this:

That’s all, every time you save your plot, it will be committed to the SVN repository, so you will never lose your work, theoretically 🙂

If the plot file is not added into your SVN project, the command above will do nothing.

Remarks: the integration task feature is available for registered user only.

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixings:

Please check out this page to see the complete list of enhancements and fixed bugs in this version.

ForeUI V3.0 Beta Released


As I remember, ForeUI V2.xx has entered the maintenance phase for about one year, which means we have not added new features into ForeUI for a year.  After so many effects, we finally released the ForeUI V3.0 beta!  Now you can download it here, and feel free to let us know your feedback.

It is recommended to use the new version to create a new project.  If you want to use it on previously created project, please backup your data beforehand.  Remarks: we are still working on the documentation and resource store.

The new version offers many new features and enhancements, my previous posts (this, this, this and this) just introduced a few of them.  So today I will continue my introduction of V3.0.

All tool windows are docked on left, right and bottom side, and you can use hotkey to show/hide them.  If you have ever used previous version of ForeUI, you will find that the GUI of V3.0 becomes even simpler.  For example, the element list on left side is simplified: all elements are listed in one panel and you can use tags to filter them.  There are many enhancements like that, and you will see.

From this version will will see a new element named “Polygon”, which allows you to create special shapes.  When you drag the element into editing area, or click the element and then click in the editing area, you will start drawing the polygon.

You can edit your polygon with “Draw Mode” (click to create new node) or “Edit Mode” (draw to move any node).  After clicking the “Finish” button you can then configure its background color and border color etc.

As you can see, with this flexible polygon element, you can define special shapes on your web/software UI.

Hope you will like V3.0 beta, and I will continue introducing new features next time.  If you are interested, here is a list of new features and enhancements in V3.0 beta.

As for the license, if you purchased your license for less than one year, you will be able to use your license key on V3.0.  Otherwise you will need to re-order the new license key for it (the price is raised now).